Advocacy & Enforcement

ShoreRivers’ advocacy work is fundamental to creating system-wide change to protect our rivers against the major issues that impact local water quality. We conduct this work through our leading voice as advocates for water quality on the Eastern Shore and through local and state-wide coalitions, working groups, and other positions of influence held by our staff.

Riverkeepers advocate for our waterways in a number of ways - developing and influencing state and local policy, lobbying for beneficial state legislation and regulatory change, testifying at bill hearings in Annapolis, working with our county commissioners to effect positive change, and reaching out to our members to call and write to their elected officials. We work on the local, state, and federal level to ensure that laws and regulations reflect what is best for the health of Eastern Shore waterways. 

Riverkeepers also regularly patrol our waterways - monitoring river health, identifying pollution hot spots, and looking for illegal pollution sources. When necessary we take legal action to curtail polluters.